The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

In a peaceful farmyard, a mother duck was thrilled when her eggs began to hatch. One by one, the eggs cracked open, and out came five little ducklings. Four of them were yellow and fluffy, just like their mother. But the last one was different—he was larger, gray, and awkward. The other ducklings and animals on the farm began to tease him, calling him the “Ugly Duckling.”


The ugly duckling felt sad and lonely. No one wanted to play with him or be his friend. Everywhere he went, he was met with cruel comments and laughter. The days grew colder, and the ugly duckling decided to leave the farm to escape the teasing. He wandered alone, searching for a place where he might belong.

Question: Why do you think the other animals teased the ugly duckling?


As winter arrived, the ugly duckling struggled to survive. He found shelter in a marsh, where he shivered through the long, cold months. But as spring returned, bringing warmth and sunshine, the ugly duckling’s fortunes began to change.


One day, he saw a group of beautiful swans gliding gracefully across the water. The ugly duckling admired them from afar, wishing he could be as beautiful as they were. He felt an overwhelming urge to join them, even though he feared they would reject him like the others had.


Gathering his courage, the ugly duckling swam towards the swans. To his surprise, they welcomed him warmly. As he looked at his reflection in the water, he was amazed to see that he had grown into a magnificent swan, just like the ones he admired. The ugly duckling realized that he was never meant to be a duck at all—he had always been a swan.


Question: How do you think the ugly duckling felt when he realized he was actually a beautiful swan?


Now, the once-ugly duckling was no longer lonely. He had found his true place in the world, surrounded by friends who appreciated him for who he was.


Moral: Don’t judge by appearances; true beauty comes from within. Sometimes, it takes time for our true selves to shine through.

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