The Lion and the Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse

In a dense forest, a mighty lion was napping under a shady tree. Nearby, a small mouse was scurrying about, searching for food. As the mouse ran, it accidentally stumbled upon the lion’s paw. The lion awoke with a start and captured the tiny mouse in his powerful claws.


The mouse trembled with fear and pleaded, “Please, mighty lion, spare my life! If you let me go, I promise I will repay your kindness one day.” The lion, amused by the idea that a tiny mouse could ever help him, decided to let the mouse go. “You’re free to go, little one,” the lion said, laughing.


Question: Do you think the mouse will ever be able to repay the lion? Why or why not?


Days passed, and the lion continued to roam the forest as the king of all animals. One day, however, he was caught in a hunter’s trap. Strong ropes bound the lion, and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t break free. The lion roared in frustration, hoping someone would hear and come to his aid.


The little mouse heard the lion’s desperate roars and remembered the kindness the lion had shown him. Without hesitation, the mouse ran to the lion’s side. Using his sharp teeth, the mouse began to gnaw through the ropes. Bit by bit, the mouse chewed through the ropes until the lion was free.


Question: How do you think the lion felt when the mouse saved him?


The lion was astonished and deeply grateful. “Thank you, little mouse. I never thought you could help me, but you’ve saved my life today,” the lion said. The mouse smiled and replied, “Even the smallest creatures can make a big difference.”

Moral: Kindness is never wasted. No matter how small someone may seem, they can still make a big impact.

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