The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs

The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs

Once there was a poor farmer who owned a goose. Every day, the goose laid one golden egg, and the farmer was able to sell the egg to support his family. Over time, the farmer became quite wealthy because of the goose’s golden eggs.


But as the farmer grew richer, he also grew greedier. “Why should I wait every day for just one golden egg?” he thought. “If I cut open the goose, I can get all the gold inside at once!”


The farmer couldn’t resist his greed. He took a knife and killed the goose, expecting to find it full of golden eggs. But when he opened the goose, there was nothing inside. The goose was just an ordinary bird, and now it was dead.

Question: Why do you think the farmer made such a hasty decision?


The farmer was devastated. Not only had he lost the goose, but he had also lost the golden eggs that came with it. Without the goose, the farmer’s wealth quickly disappeared, and he was left with nothing.


The farmer realized too late that his greed had cost him everything. If he had been patient and continued to take care of the goose, he would have been able to enjoy the golden eggs for years to come.


Question: What do you think the farmer learned from this experience?


Moral: Greed can lead to ruin. It’s important to appreciate what you have and not let impatience or greed drive you to make foolish decisions.

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