The Golden Touch

The Golden Touch


Once upon a time, there was a wealthy king named Midas who loved gold more than anything else in the world. He spent his days counting his treasure and dreaming of having even more. One day, as he was admiring his gold, a mysterious figure appeared before him.


The figure offered King Midas a wish, and without hesitation, Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. The mysterious figure warned him to be careful with his wish, but Midas was too eager to listen. The wish was granted, and Midas was overjoyed.


The king rushed to test his new power. He touched a chair, and it instantly turned to solid gold. He touched the flowers in his garden, and they too became golden. Midas couldn’t contain his excitement—everything he touched turned to gold!


Question: What would you do if you had the power to turn things into gold? Would it be a good or bad thing?


But soon, Midas began to realize the consequences of his wish. When he tried to eat, his food turned to gold, making it impossible to eat. Even worse, when his beloved daughter came to hug him, she too turned into a lifeless golden statue. Midas was devastated.

The king understood that his greed had brought him nothing but misery. He begged the mysterious figure to take back the golden touch and restore everything to the way it was. The figure returned, and seeing Midas’s sorrow, granted his request. Everything that had turned to gold was restored, including his daughter.


Question: How do you think King Midas felt after realizing the consequences of his wish?


From that day on, King Midas learned to appreciate the simple joys in life and never let his greed control him again.


Moral: Greed can lead to downfall. Be careful what you wish for, and remember that true happiness comes from the things that really matter, not from wealth.

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