The Fox and the Crow
Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a clever fox. This fox was always on the lookout for an easy meal. One bright morning, while wandering through the woods, the fox spotted a crow perched high up in a tree. The crow had a large, delicious piece of cheese clutched in its beak.
The fox’s mouth watered at the sight of the cheese, and he immediately began to think of a way to get it. He knew that the crow was proud of her beautiful voice, so he devised a cunning plan.
The fox looked up at the crow and called out, “Good morning, beautiful crow! You are looking radiant today. Surely, with such glossy feathers and sharp eyes, you must be the queen of all birds!”
The crow, flattered by the fox’s words, puffed out her chest and looked down at him.
Question: Why do you think the fox is complimenting the crow? What might he want?
The fox continued, “But there’s something I’ve heard that I find hard to believe. They say you have the most beautiful singing voice in all the forest. I’ve never had the pleasure of hearing you sing, and I would be honored if you would grace me with a song.”
The crow, eager to prove that she indeed had the most beautiful voice, forgot all about the cheese in her beak. She opened her mouth and let out a loud “Caw, caw!” The moment she did, the cheese slipped from her beak and fell to the ground.
The fox quickly pounced on the cheese and gobbled it up. With a sly grin, he looked up at the crow and said, “Thank you for the delicious breakfast! It was just as I thought—you have a voice, but no brains.”
The crow, realizing she had been tricked, felt foolish and ashamed. She learned the hard way that flattery can sometimes hide a person’s true intentions.
Question: How do you think the crow felt after realizing that the fox had tricked her? What could she have done differently?
The fox, on the other hand, trotted away happily, his belly full, knowing that his cleverness had won him the prize.
Moral: Be wary of flattery and don’t let others take advantage of your pride. Think carefully before you act, especially when someone praises you excessively.