7 Deadly Sins #5 Gluttony: The Endless Feast

7 Deadly Sins #5 Gluttony: The Endless Feast

Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by lush green fields, there lived a boy named Ravi. Ravi was known throughout the village for his love of food. He could never resist a tasty meal, and his greatest joy in life was eating. His mother often warned him not to eat too much, but Ravi would just laugh and say, “How can something that makes me so happy be bad?”


One day, a wealthy merchant passed through the village. He was hosting a grand feast in honor of his daughter’s wedding, and the entire village was invited. The feast was to be the biggest anyone had ever seen, with tables overflowing with the most delicious food imaginable.


Ravi was ecstatic. He could hardly wait for the day of the feast, dreaming of all the wonderful dishes he would eat. When the day finally arrived, Ravi was the first to arrive at the feast. He marveled at the endless array of food—roasted meats, fresh fruits, sweet desserts, and more. His mouth watered as he looked at the lavish spread.


Question: If you were at a feast like Ravi, what would you do? Would you be able to control yourself, or would you want to try everything?


Ravi wasted no time and began eating as much as he could. He devoured plate after plate, not caring about anything but filling his stomach. As the feast continued, the other villagers enjoyed their meals, but none ate as much as Ravi. They watched in amazement as Ravi kept eating, piling his plate high with every dish in sight.


As the night wore on, Ravi started to feel uncomfortable. His stomach was painfully full, but he couldn’t stop himself. The more he ate, the more he wanted. He reached for another piece of cake, but as he lifted it to his mouth, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. The pain grew worse, and soon Ravi could barely move. He had eaten so much that he couldn’t even stand up.


The other villagers noticed Ravi’s distress and came to help him. They brought him water and tried to soothe him, but nothing seemed to help. Ravi realized too late that his gluttony had made him sick. He couldn’t enjoy the rest of the feast or even walk home on his own. The villagers had to carry him back to his house, where he spent the next several days recovering.


Question: What do you think Ravi learned from eating too much at the feast? How could he have avoided getting sick?


While Ravi lay in bed, he thought about how much he had eaten. He realized that his love for food had made him greedy and careless. He had let his desire for more take control, and it had only brought him pain. When he finally recovered, Ravi decided that he would never let his appetite get the better of him again.


From that day on, Ravi learned to eat in moderation. He still enjoyed food, but he understood the importance of self-control. He became known not just for his love of food, but for his wisdom in knowing when to stop.


Moral: Gluttony, or the excessive desire for food, can lead to harm. It’s important to practice moderation and self-control, enjoying what you have without overindulging.

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