7 Deadly Sins. 1# Pride: Sam and the Soccer Trophy

7 Deadly Sins. 1# Pride: Sam and the Soccer Trophy

Sam was a talented soccer player. Ever since he started playing at a young age, he had a knack for dribbling the ball, scoring goals, and outmanoeuvring opponents. His team, the Thunderbolts, had just won the local soccer championship, and Sam was awarded the Most Valuable Player (MVP) trophy. He was thrilled!

As Sam walked home with the shiny trophy in his hands, he felt on top of the world. “I’m the best soccer player in school!” he thought to himself. The next day at school, Sam couldn’t wait to show off his trophy. During recess, he carried it around, making sure everyone saw it

His classmates gathered around him, congratulating him on his win. “Wow, Sam, you’re amazing!” they said. Sam smiled, soaking in all the praise. But as the day went on, Sam started to act differently. He began to think he was better than everyone else, not just in soccer, but in everything.


When his friend Alex asked him to practice together after school, Sam replied, “Why would I need to practice? I’m already the best!” When another friend, Aisha, suggested they play a team game, Sam insisted on being the captain and refused to listen to anyone else’s ideas.


Question: How do you think Sam’s friends felt when he started acting like he was better than everyone? Have you ever known someone who acted that way?


As the week went on, Sam’s friends began to distance themselves from him. They noticed that Sam was more interested in showing off than in having fun. During soccer practice, Sam didn’t pass the ball to his teammates, thinking he could score all the goals on his own. But instead of winning, the team started losing games because they weren’t working together.


One afternoon, Sam was playing by himself on the school field, practicing his tricks. He noticed his friends playing a game of soccer nearby, but they hadn’t invited him to join. Sam felt a pang of loneliness. “Why aren’t they asking me to play?” he wondered. Then, he overheard them talking.


“I miss the old Sam,” said Alex. “He used to be such a good teammate. Now, it’s like he only cares about himself.”


Aisha nodded. “I wish he’d remember that soccer is about working together, not just about who’s the best.”


Hearing this, Sam felt a wave of realization. He had let his pride get in the way of being a good friend and teammate. He understood that while winning the MVP trophy was special, it didn’t make him better than everyone else. His friends missed the Sam who was fun, supportive, and a true team player.


Question: What do you think Sam should do now that he realizes how his pride has affected his friendships? How can he make things right?


The next day, Sam walked up to his friends and apologized. “I’m sorry I’ve been acting like I’m better than everyone. I let the trophy go to my head, and I forgot what’s really important—having fun and playing together as a team. Can we start over?”


His friends smiled and welcomed him back. During the next game, Sam made sure to pass the ball and encourage his teammates. They played better than ever, not because of one star player, but because they worked together. And though they didn’t win every game, Sam felt much happier knowing he had his friends by his side.

Moral: Pride can make us forget the things that truly matter, like friendship and teamwork. It’s important to stay humble and remember that we all need each other to succeed.

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