Tween Skincare Tips - DIY Natural and Homemade
Simple and Safe DIY Recipes for Tween Skincare
The time between childhood and early adolescence (8-12 years) is known as the tweenage. This might be the time when a kid begins to take an interest in skincare and wants to have a skincare routine, too. So, this will be the right time for the parents to instil a healthy skincare routine. Educating them about natural remedies and cultivating a habit of embracing the same will deviate them from chemical-laden skincare products, benefitting their skin in the long run.
DIY Natural and Homemade Skin Care Tips for Tweens
Natural and homemade skin remedies are always best for kids as they pose much less risk of skin damage, unlike their chemical-loaded counterparts, which are linked with many other kinds of risk, including skin damage. So, let's check out some of the tried and tested remedies that have been a part of the skincare regime for a long time.
Natural Cleansers
Numerous natural cleansers have been a part of our ancestors' beauty regimes, providing them with gorgeous-looking, glowing skin that no modern cleansers can give. And with today’s fragile tween skin, these cleansers would be a blessing.
Cleanser recipe
Mix some gram flour, yoghurt, and a pinch of turmeric. The blend of all these natural ingredients will have a lasting impact on the tween’s skin. Gram flour acts as a cleansing agent, yoghurt moisturises the skin, warding off dryness, and turmeric acts as an antibacterial and antiseptic to the delicate skin, protecting it from pimples and acne. You can even use just gram flour to begin with.
Natural Exfoliators
Exfoliation is an important step in a skincare routine. However, it is recommended not to include it in daily skincare; instead, do it once or twice a week. Mild exfoliation helps get rid of dead cells on the skin, giving a fresh and rejuvenating experience.
Exfoliator recipe
You can mix ground oats, honey, and yoghurt for the delicate tweens. Here, ground oats and yoghurt work as an exfoliate, slogging away dirt and dead skin, while honey soothes the skin with its property, which is known as a humectant that helps to moisturise the skin. If you are unsure about this mixture or don’t have the ingredients, you can even try applying olive oil, which is also an outstanding exfoliator and can do wonders to tween skin.
Natural Moisturisers
Moisturising is another crucial aspect of daily skincare that helps the skin stay soft, supple, and glowy. Mother Nature has showered us with numerous natural moisturisers that give any branded moisturiser a run for its money, provided we understand it’s worth it!
Moisturiser recipe
For tweens, there are numerous oils and natural ingredients like coconut oil, jojoba oil, rose essential oil, almond oil, shea butter, aloe vera, honey, and cocoa butter, and the list is long. You can mix ingredients like coconut oil and aloe vera, or you can apply the ingredients individually. With regular use, these ingredients can work like magic for a tween skin without disturbing its natural texture.
Beginning a skincare regime can be exciting and empowering for tweens. However, embarking on this highly vigilant journey can be overwhelming, as parents would not like to expose their little pieces of hearts to the harsh chemicals so early. So, considering the delicate needs of the tween skin, going for a completely natural homemade skincare routine would be a win-win situation for both parents and their kids, as these natural ingredients can brighten their skin without damaging it.